1. Product Definition
SmartGaze is an advanced tool for predicting Saliency Maps specifically designed for video advertisements, banners, and UI/UX designs. This tool allows you to precisely know which parts of your design attract more user attention, helping you assess whether your design is effective and engaging.
We developed this technology using data from eye-tracking devices. The data was collected from a large number of individuals viewing video ads, banners, and user interfaces. This information is then fed into a neural network, which is trained to accurately predict the areas that users focus on the most.
By using this tool, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your designs and continuously improve them to provide a more engaging and effective user experience. This product helps you elevate your designs and gain a competitive edge in today's market.
2. Key Features of the System
Brand or Logo Attention
- This feature allows you to quantitatively measure the audience's attention to your brand or logo in advertisements. You can ensure that your brand is sufficiently visible to the audience and remains in their memory, as only the things that are seen are remembered.
Statistical Analysis
- This feature offers comprehensive statistical analyses to evaluate your marketing efforts. Statistical analysis not only assesses the creativity of your video ad but also determines how easily your message is understood. Additionally, it evaluates user interest and purchase intent to ensure that your message is correctly conveyed to the audience.
Sentiment Analysis
- Emotions play a crucial role in advertising and can directly influence consumer behavior. This feature allows you to assess the emotions displayed by actors in your advertisements and ensures that these emotions are correctly conveyed to the audience, having a positive impact on your product sales.
Slogan Generation
- A good advertising slogan can capture the essence of your brand or product in a short, memorable phrase. With SmartGaze, you can create compelling and distinctive slogans that grab consumers' attention and effectively convey your key messages.
Prediction of Eye Saccades and Fixations
- This feature enables you to predict the sequence of rapid eye movements (saccades) and fixations in advertisements. This information helps you optimize your designs and ensure that the audience focuses on the key messages and important parts of your ads.
3. Product Goals
- Increase advertising efficiency through precise user behavior analysis.
- Create creative and effective video advertisements to attract more customers and boost sales.
- Enhance brand recognition and visibility through impactful video ads.
- Attract more users by producing content that captures their attention and encourages them to make a purchase.
4. Benefits of Using the Product
- Deliver accurate results at high speed.
- Provide a simple, user-friendly interface that makes the product easy to use.
- Offer strong support and expert consulting for optimal product utilization.
- Present a cost-effective solution for businesses, maximizing the return on investment in video advertisements.